Best Massage Business Tools: 99 Designs
Why limit your possibilities with one graphic artist when you can have your own design team with ’99 Designs’? You get 10+ designers working with you to create that perfect logo for your massage business. Submit your ideas or let them come up with their own. Then sit back and watch them create over 30 designs. You can request changes along the way and then choose that awesome logo that will set your brand apart and impress your customers. This is why I consider this installment of MyMassageBiz.com’s Best Massage Business Tools: 99 Designs to be essential for the success of your practice.
Let The Competition Begin!
As you probably know by now, especially if you have been following me for a while, I don’t recomend anything unless I have used it myself. After many years of using graphic artists, local design companies, and other online options I found (recommended to me) 99 Designs, and my search was over. They make it so easy and it’s fun! You give them some ideas of what you want and then the competition begins. In this case, though, you will always end up the winner. You work with 10+ designers, and then you choose from 30+ designs. I have always been extremely happy with the finished result, and I think you will be, too.
Quick List of Features
Best Massage Business Tools: 99 Designs
Why use 99 Designs?
More Designers and more choices with 10+ designers.
They help you decide what you want before you begin.
You can make changes along the way.
You choose from 30+ designs.
You end up with that perfect logo.
It’s fun!
Feature Highlights
Best Massage Business Tools: 99 Designs
More Designers Means more choices
Many entrepeneuers use just one graphic artist when they are looking for a design for their business. While this is fine if you have someone great that you are working with, it can limit your choices to what that person’s creative vision is. With 99 Designs, you get a global community of 10+ professional designers that compete to give you a great custom design. More choices mean a better result.
You begin by building a design brief
You begin the process by telling 99 Designs what your business is about and what you want your logo to convey. They do this by walking you through a simple step by step process where you tell them about your business and choose examples of what you like and what you don’t. This will give the designers a good starting point before they begin.
Launch your contest
It’s time to begin the competition by launching your contest. When you do this, your request goes out to over one million designers worldwide. Depending on the package you pick, you will then begin to receive from 10 to 99 designs to start the process. It’s very cool to see all the different creative ideas that they come up with.
Give feedback along the way
Use ratings, comments, and private messages to help your designers to shape their ideas to your needs. The more detailed your feedback, the easier it will be to bring your vision to life.
Pick your favorite from 30+ Designs
After several days, you choose the winning design. Your designer gets the prize money and you get your awesome logo to download.
An Awesome Logo in many forms
You own the full design copyright. You will be able to download it in several different design types that will allow you to use it on your business cards, website, Facebook page, and anywhere you want to highlight your brand. Your clients and future customers will now associate your awesome logo with the quality of your skills and your business will grow.
‘99 Designs’ offers designs for many different products, such as, business cards, signage, T-shirt, webpage, stationary, and much more. They offer four different packages to choose from that are based on the rating of the designer and the number of designs. Their basic package. Bronze, provides 30 designs from what they call good designers. Silver delivers 60 designs from better designers. The Gold package supplies 90 designs from expert designers, and Platinum 60 premium designs from exceptional designers.
Logo Design
You get 10+ designers and 30+ designs with the Bronze logo package for $299. The price goes up for the other packages. Check it out here.
I have used 99 designs on many occasions including for this logo. I have always had a great experience when using them.
Best Massage Business Tools: 99 Designs
Note: While I recommend ’99 Designs’ to get a professional logo for your massage business, I know for many of you this may be out of your budget. I’ve been in the same position in the past with my businesses and I would like to recommend a free program called ‘Canva’. This free program allows you to design your own logo. While this may not be the best choice in the long run, it’s better to have something now for your business, and then at a later date you can have a professional logo designed.
Getting Started with 99 Designs
99 Designs is very easy to use and they walk you through everything step by step.
Click here to get started today on your logo with 99 designs.
Best Massage Business Tools: 99 Designs
Over the years I have used marketing companies and graphic artists to do a lot of my design work. While I was happy with the results, I wish I had that money to spend on bringing in more clients. I’ve also used several different online sites like ‘Fiverr’ with mixed results. What I love about ’99 Designs’ is that I can work closely with multiple designers at the same time, which gives me a lot of control over the finished product. Also, I have very little artistic ability, so it’s great to work with such creative and talented professionals. Bottom line is that you end up with a great looking logo that you love. Better yet, by having an awesome looking logo, you take your brand awareness and professionalism to a whole other level which will grow your business and increase your chances for success.
I hope you found this article helpful. Please, leave a comment below and let me know what you think of ’99 Designs’. If you want to spread the word, please, share this article on Facebook and Twitter, or you can pin the image on the right to your Pinterest board. I wish you success and prosperity.