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Start Your Massage Business
A step-by-step guide that walks you through everything you need to start your massage business and build it into a successful and fulfilling practice.
The first step of starting your massage business is making the decision to go for it. Becoming an entrepreneur and doing your own thing can be one of the most rewarding paths that you can take for your massage career. Working for yourself and not for someone else can be financially rewarding as your business grows, allowing you to work less while making more money. I have created this free guide based on my own experience and by helping massage entrepreneurs over the years. Read the articles below and follow the steps to get started. I wish you success and prosperity.
Before getting into the nuts and bolts of creating a successful massage business, it is important to learn what some of the most common hurdles massage therapists face when starting and building their practice. I highly recommend reading the article “Top 5 Reasons” linked below to find out the best solutions to some of these dangerous pitfalls.
Top 5 Reasons Why Massage Therapists Fail At Business
Best Massage Business Tools – Trello
[/et_pb_vertical_timeline_item][et_pb_vertical_timeline_item title=”Choosing The Best Name For A Successful Massage Business” use_read_more=”off” animation=”off” text_font_select=”default” text_font=”||||” headings_font_select=”default” headings_font=”||||” use_border_color=”off” border_style=”solid” text_text_color=”#000000″ headings_text_color=”#000000″ font_icon=”%%230%%” icon_color=”#678eba” circle_color=”#000000″ timeline_label=”Start Your Massage Business – Step 2″ use_background_color_gradient=”off” background_color_gradient_start=”#2b87da” background_color_gradient_end=”#29c4a9″ background_color_gradient_type=”linear” background_color_gradient_direction=”180deg” background_color_gradient_direction_radial=”center” background_color_gradient_start_position=”0%” background_color_gradient_end_position=”100%” parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on” background_size=”cover” background_position=”center” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_blend=”normal” allow_player_pause=”off”]
Choosing the right name for your business is important. Your name should be a good fit for you while also helping to position your brand with your customer. While this decision won’t make or break your business, considering several factors such as SEO can increase your chances for success. The articles linked below will guide you through making the right choice while making sure your name is available.
Name Your Successful Massage Business
Research Your Massage Business Name
[/et_pb_vertical_timeline_item][et_pb_vertical_timeline_item title=”Taking Care of the Legal Stuff” use_read_more=”off” animation=”off” text_font_select=”default” text_font=”||||” headings_font_select=”default” headings_font=”||||” use_border_color=”off” border_style=”solid” text_text_color=”#000000″ headings_text_color=”#000000″ font_icon=”%%230%%” icon_color=”#678eba” circle_color=”#000000″ timeline_label=”Start Your Massage Business – Step 3″ use_background_color_gradient=”off” background_color_gradient_start=”#2b87da” background_color_gradient_end=”#29c4a9″ background_color_gradient_type=”linear” background_color_gradient_direction=”180deg” background_color_gradient_direction_radial=”center” background_color_gradient_start_position=”0%” background_color_gradient_end_position=”100%” parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on” background_size=”cover” background_position=”center” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_blend=”normal” allow_player_pause=”off”]
Taking the time to set up your business in a way that will protect you and ensure your best chance for success is one of the most important things you will do. Failure to take these steps could cause you major headaches or worse down the line. In the articles linked below you will be able to make the best decision for setting up your business structure and the easiest, most affordable way to do it.
Choosing The Best Massage Business Structure
Set-Up Your Massage Business LLC
[/et_pb_vertical_timeline_item][et_pb_vertical_timeline_item title=”Building Your Brand” use_read_more=”off” animation=”off” text_font_select=”default” text_font=”||||” headings_font_select=”default” headings_font=”||||” use_border_color=”off” border_style=”solid” text_text_color=”#000000″ headings_text_color=”#000000″ font_icon=”%%230%%” icon_color=”#678eba” circle_color=”#000000″ timeline_label=”Start Your Massage Business – Step 4″ use_background_color_gradient=”off” background_color_gradient_start=”#2b87da” background_color_gradient_end=”#29c4a9″ background_color_gradient_type=”linear” background_color_gradient_direction=”180deg” background_color_gradient_direction_radial=”center” background_color_gradient_start_position=”0%” background_color_gradient_end_position=”100%” parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on” background_size=”cover” background_position=”center” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_blend=”normal” allow_player_pause=”off”]
There are initial steps that are important for you to complete to lay the foundation for building your brand. The power of a well thought-out brand should not be underestimated. Customer trust is built based on how your business is perceived and then how you perform your service. New, potential customers are especially affected by your brand and will pick you over your competition based on what they see. The articles linked below will walk you through creating a logo and getting your business domain: two important steps to building your brand.
Get Your Massage Business Domain
Get Your Massage Business Logo
[/et_pb_vertical_timeline_item][et_pb_vertical_timeline_item title=”Your Core Marketing Set Up” use_read_more=”off” animation=”off” text_font_select=”default” text_font=”||||” headings_font_select=”default” headings_font=”||||” use_border_color=”off” border_style=”solid” text_text_color=”#000000″ headings_text_color=”#000000″ font_icon=”%%230%%” icon_color=”#678eba” circle_color=”#000000″ timeline_label=”Start Your Massage Business – Step 5″ use_background_color_gradient=”off” background_color_gradient_start=”#2b87da” background_color_gradient_end=”#29c4a9″ background_color_gradient_type=”linear” background_color_gradient_direction=”180deg” background_color_gradient_direction_radial=”center” background_color_gradient_start_position=”0%” background_color_gradient_end_position=”100%” parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on” background_size=”cover” background_position=”center” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_blend=”normal” allow_player_pause=”off”]
This section could also be called ‘Building Your Brand – Part 2″. I call it “Your Core Marketing” instead because setting up a highly functioning website and your social media sites will be the foundation of the marketing of your business. Most of your marketing will revolve around these sites. While it can take time to get these set up, it’s important to get started as soon as possible so you will have them in place when you do your more advanced marketing.
Massage Website Creation: Tips and Tools
Set Up Your Massage Social Media Accounts
[/et_pb_vertical_timeline_item][et_pb_vertical_timeline_item title=”Setting Your Business Up For Financial Success ” use_read_more=”off” animation=”off” text_font_select=”default” text_font=”||||” headings_font_select=”default” headings_font=”||||” use_border_color=”off” border_style=”solid” text_text_color=”#000000″ headings_text_color=”#000000″ font_icon=”%%230%%” icon_color=”#678eba” circle_color=”#000000″ timeline_label=”Start Your Massage Business – Step 6″ use_background_color_gradient=”off” background_color_gradient_start=”#2b87da” background_color_gradient_end=”#29c4a9″ background_color_gradient_type=”linear” background_color_gradient_direction=”180deg” background_color_gradient_direction_radial=”center” background_color_gradient_start_position=”0%” background_color_gradient_end_position=”100%” parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on” background_size=”cover” background_position=”center” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_blend=”normal” allow_player_pause=”off”]
This goes hand-in-hand with the legal stuff covered earlier as the most avoided part of starting a new business. It also parallels this as some of the most important work you will do if you want to end up with a successful business. The article, “10 Hazardous Mistakes Massage Therapists Make With Money” linked below is a great starting point to ensure the best start financially for your new business.
10 Hazardous Mistakes Massage Therapists Make with Money
Get A Massage Business Bank Account For Free
[/et_pb_vertical_timeline_item][et_pb_vertical_timeline_item title=”Tools For Success” use_read_more=”off” animation=”off” text_font_select=”default” text_font=”||||” headings_font_select=”default” headings_font=”||||” use_border_color=”off” border_style=”solid” text_text_color=”#000000″ headings_text_color=”#000000″ font_icon=”%%230%%” icon_color=”#678eba” circle_color=”#000000″ timeline_label=”Start Your Massage Business – Step 7″ use_background_color_gradient=”off” background_color_gradient_start=”#2b87da” background_color_gradient_end=”#29c4a9″ background_color_gradient_type=”linear” background_color_gradient_direction=”180deg” background_color_gradient_direction_radial=”center” background_color_gradient_start_position=”0%” background_color_gradient_end_position=”100%” parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on” background_size=”cover” background_position=”center” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_blend=”normal” allow_player_pause=”off”]
I’ve called this section “Tools For Success” but it could also be titled, “Tools To Run Your Business Efficiently and Make Your Life Easier.” There are links below to three tools that I recommend to fire up when you are starting your business. Check out my Resources page or the blog category Best Tools to read about more tools that will help your business. These are tools that I have used in the past and continue to use now with my current businesses.
Best Massage Business Tools: MassageBook
Best Massage Business Tools: G Suite
Best Massage Business Tools: Google Voice