Best Massage Business Tools: Google Voice
Google Voice is a free service that allows you to have a separate phone number for your business. There are many high powered features that can be extremely beneficial for running a massage business. This is why I consider this installment of MyMassageBiz.com’s Best Massage Business Tools: Google Voice to be essential for the success of your practice.
Google Voice Is Essential For Your Massage Business.
Google Voice is an essential tool to have in your success toolbox. It gives you the ability to project a more professional image. It keeps you connected to your clients and makes it easy to return phone calls in a timely manner, an essential step for anyone wanting to grow their practice. I especially like the ability to easily call back missed calls. This one feature can be instrumental in your future success. Getting clients on your table is always the goal and Google Voice is a great tool to assist you in that endeavor.
Quick List of Features
Best Massage Business Tools: Google Voice
Why is it important to have Google Voice?
Get A Separate Number For Your Business.
Forward Your Business Number To Any Phone.
Keep Track of Missed Calls.
Get A Text Or Email Sent To You When Someone Calls.
Customize Your Voicemail Greetings.
Voicemail Messages Are Automatically Converted To Text.
Stored Database of All Your Calls, Clients, Numbers, and Messages.
Call or Text From Your Business Number Using Any Phone or Computer.
Easily Block Any Unwanted Number.
Easy Access Using Smartphone App or Gmail Account.
Feature Highlights
Best Massage Business Tools: Google Voice
Separate Number For Your Business
There are many reasons why it is important to have a separate phone number for your business. Tracking missed calls and having a separate voicemail greeting are just a couple. Google Voice gives you that ability.
Forward Your Business Number To Any Phone
Once you have your new Google Voice number for your business, you can put it on your business cards, website, and Facebook page. Your clients will call that number and you can answer it on any phone you would like. If you choose your cell phone, the call will show as your business number, and you can choose to answer it or not. if you choose not to forward your business number, the call will go directly to your Google Voicemail. This is great when you are in a massage session and cannot get to the phone.
Keeps Track Of Missed Calls
Not everyone leaves a voicemail when they call you. Actually, my experience with my business is that most people don’t leave a message these days. To have a record of your missed calls with the person’s phone number is worth its weight in gold. Google Voice tracks the missed calls and sends you an email notification. This gives you the opportunity to follow up and get that client on your table. An amazing tool for your business!
Customize Your Voicemail Greetings
One of the best things about having a separate number for your business is that you can have a separate voicemail greeting when your clients call you. Google Voice allows you to create several customized greetings for different situations.
Voicemail Messages Are Automatically Converted To Text
Probably the coolest feature in Google voice is that it automatically converts your voicemails to text and then sends them via an email. This saves you the time of having to listen to every message.
Stored Database Of All Your Calls, Clients, Numbers, and Messages
Over the years that I have used Google Voice for my businesses. The one feature that has been the most helpful is that it saves everything. Every person that calls you, every text exchange between you and your clients, every voicemail, etc. You get the idea. So you forget that new client’s phone number? No problem; just look up the day they called you and you’ve got it. Google Voice also allows you to create contacts, so when you need to call or text someone, just start typing their name and it will automatically pull it up for you.
Call Or Text From Your Business Number Using Any Phone Or Computer
Here are some additional features that will make your life easier:
- Call from any device and your client will only see your business number.
- Call from your computer and it will automatically connect the call to any phone you choose.
- Text from your computer or from your email account.
- Use the Google Voice phone app to do everything with ease.
Easy Access Using Smartphone App Or Gmail Account
As I mentioned above, there are several smartphone apps that will make everything even easier when you are interacting with your clients. Google Voice has a free app that works well. Once you connect it to your account, it will notify you with push notifications every time you miss a call or get a voicemail. There are also a few paid apps like G-Wizz that have lots of cool features.
Google Voice Is free!
I do recommend that you set up a ‘G Suite’ email account for your business first. Among other features, this allows you to use your domain as your email address. You can get G Suite here or read my article, Best Massage Business Tools: G Suite for more information.
Setting Up Google Voice
It’s not difficult to set up Google Voice. Open up your Gmail account and then open up a new tab in your browser. Type in: google.com/voice. It will walk you through the steps.
Related Article: Set Up Google Voice For Your Massage Business
Best Massage Business Tools: Google Voice
Best Massage Business Tools: Google Voice
I have been using Google Voice for my businesses for many years, and I can’t imagine life without it. One of the things I talk to therapists about quite often is the importance of professionalism. Google Voice is one of those tools that will help you achieve this goal. Having a business number and voicemail that is separate from your personal phone allows you to interact with your clients in a professional manner without the cost of an additional phone line. In addition, Google Voice just makes running your business easier.
I hope you found this article helpful. Please, leave a comment below and let me know what you think of Google Voice. If you want to spread the word, please, share this article on Facebook and Twitter, or you can pin the image to the right to your Pinterest board. I wish you success and prosperity.